Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ya Gotta Love Kids

How many times have you wondered, "WHY DID I EVER HAVE KIDS, LET ALONE FIVE?" Well, I have on several occasions, like more than once, like many times. Maybe I am alone here, but at least I am being truthful. Tonight was one of those moments, however, when suddenly all became clear to me, or, at least one reason became clear as to why we had kids. As I stood on our back porch and watched the Mean-Green-Grass-Killing-Machine do his thing, I said to myself, "Self, this is why you had kids!" and I turned around and walked back into the house Grass and Sweat Free. Ya Gotta Love Kids!

A nicely finished yard! Way to go big guy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so not along, as parents I think we all have thought those same thoughts at one time, but oh so true when you see something like that to make us appreciate them alot.They are amazing little people.Always remember, we were kids too. Just think what all we did to our parents. Ha!