Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday Musings

Today is what Tomorrow will never be and the Past has been swallowed by its grasp and is no more. And yet, Today has control of Tomorrow as well. What a powerful tyrant Today is. You can't escape it, run from it, nor hide from its presence. Because as much as you may dislike Today, it will grab Tomorrow and suddenly it is Today again. So you might as well live Today as if Tomorrow is not going to happen, because if you fail to live Today, Tomorrow might never happen and the Past will again be but a memory. So what are you doing Today to make it special thus making Tomorrow brighter and the Past a sweet memory?

Just leave a comment so everyone knows what you did to make it special.


Anonymous said...

My thoughts are that the only things in life you can ever be sure of are God and your family. So yes you should live as tomorrow will never come, but just always remember the One that gave you life and the ones that love you most.Tomorrow may never come but leave today with great memories of yesterday.

Alanna said...

Well, that was incredibly insightful and deep. Is it original with you? If so, I think my HS English teacher is pretty good with words! :)

April said...

WOW!!! Deep thinking, Very True! If we thought about that more our lives would be vastly different I am sure.

Esther said...

This is off the subject, but I LOVE your template!!!