The start of the project with nine impending poles.
Digging deep.
One of the last poles being removed with Trenton looking on,
thanks for the support big guy.
OOPs! Got a little to close to the pole, Sorry!
My machine actually worked better than expected (it has a
tendency to break down occasionally) and all nine poles
were out in about an hour! Breaking off the cement took a
little longer and was not fun.
A lot of help he was.
One of the hired hands being distracted.
Now when this job started, it was supposed to be just a pole
removal job. However, I got a little over zealous and actually dug
holes for the new pen. Then I thought, why not at least put the cement
in so they are ready for the fencing later when I get to it. Then the kids
were out, so we decided to move the big and heavy dog house which was
an interesting challenge but was accomplished after much effort.
Then I said to myself, "Self, why don't you put up at least part of the
fencing since it is still early and not raining yet." So the kids and I started
putting up the fencing. Next thing you know, Marsha came out
interrupting her busy day and decided to help finish up, and before
I knew it, the job was done. And there is the finished product or at
least the one side of it. Job well done, and thanks to the kids for all
their help.
And this was all done by 4:00 so that we had time to get cleaned
up, break out the grill, and celebrate Memorial Day American
style, hamburgers and hot dogs.
I am absolutely tired since the super-duper hydraulic lift machine
was not brought over, but it has been a wonderful day.
It is now 7:10 and I think it is time for bed!