Sunday, March 25, 2007

Pure Pressure!!!

It is becoming harder and harder to post pictures on this blog
because of the pressure that other bloggers put on us.
That blogger will have to remain nameless!
I have not figured out how to put those special imprints
on my pictures so they look professional and of course
will not be copied. (As if my pictures would be copied)
If I am going to continue to post, I will have to go get newer,
bigger, and better equipment just to keep up.
Not only that, but I will still have the problem of how
I will be able to travel around the globe so I
can take pictures of exotic animals such as
zebras, giraffes, elephants, and baboons!
(Maybe sneak off to the zoo)
Maybe if I attend professional photographer seminars
I will join the ranks of the elite?
Oh the dilemma and pressure! If anyone has a
solution to this problem that I (as well as many of you are
probably feeling) please send me some ideas. I
want to post pictures but the pressure....


Allen Mowery said...

I just thought I would take the time to say "hello." You (aka Marsha) taught my first grade music class at The View, so I figured I would pay due homage to my former instructor :-) Glad to hear everything is going good!

Keith said...


Don't give into peer or pure pressure. However, to ensure that others don't copy your pictures, be sure to include Bryan in them. That is your safety net!

I enjoy keeping up with the blog.

Keith said...

Oh, by the way, Allen, Marsha also taught my 1st grade music class. She has been doing this for a long, long time.