Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday School??

What child, or adult for that matter, likes to get up on a cold Sunday morning and go to Sunday School? Not many! Most churches no longer put an emphasis on Sunday School and even fewer families are concerned about it. I think it is becoming evident in our holiness churches as well. Why is that? May I give you some of the excuses (er, reasons) I have heard:

  1. It's to early - but if skiing, or the amusement park, or vacation is planned, early is not early enough
  2. It's to boring - well then teach the class yourself or maybe your boring too. This morning I blew up Soda (Pop) cans to talk about God's power. COOL! This brings us to the next point
  3. I am too busy to teach - BLAH, BLAH, BLAH - I leave for work at 7:30A.M. and often do not get home until 8:00P.M or 8:30P.M. and on Saturday nights not until 7:00P.M. and sometimes 6 days a week (you count the hours for yourself). We also have five children (count them yourself) to get up and get ready and yet we are always there ready to teach or be a part of a Sunday School class. Don't talk busy to me!
  4. I work in a Christian environment and Sunday I need a break-Good for you, it is still a job, Christian or not. What you do during the week has no bearing on what you should be doing on Sunday. Get over what you do and become available to your local church.
  5. I don't want to - Thank you , at least be honest!
Well, there you have it, a new blog entry. (The opinions expressed here are the opinions of the blogger and not the opinions of many.)


Jody J said...

Preach it! We do what we WANT to do. We just need to pray that we want the right things.

Jenn said...

Your family has always inspired me that if you can do it with 5 kids, I can do it with one. We're still trying to get there on time but we are there. I really don't have any excuses. Sunday is the only day I have to get up to a set alarm... Katrin is my alarm most days =). We miss you all at Kenwood, tell the kids 'hi' for us!!

Char said...

You don't mince words do you?!?!?!
Agree with you 110%!

Beth Stetler said...


Martha C said...

We drive through 216 traffic lights on Sunday to get there. (And after spending that much time around Southern drivers, I feel the need for prayer meeting before I can worship. Ha!) :-) It takes dedication!